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Recruiting 02 Sales Representative - Branch of Chinfon Cement Corporation in HCM City

Monday  13/05/2024
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We are looking for the position of Sales Representative - working in Branch of Chinfon Cement Corporation in HCMC


Position: Sales Representative of Branch of Chinfon Cement Corporation

in Ho Chi Minh City (02 people)

  • Working place: Office of Branch of Chinfon Cement Corporation in HCM City – Hiep Phuoc Clinker Grinding Plant (Lot A7, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Zone, Nha Be District, HCM City)

Job description

  • Make plan, propose solutions and implement sales, system and product consumption market development of the assigned management area, including but not limited to the following tasks:

- Make sales plans for agents, propose plans to develop the sales system in the assigned management area;

- Monitor and make report about the implementation of sales targets of agents, the situation of expanding consumer markets, and marketing programs;

- Coordinate to resolve customer complaints about products;

  • Research the market, policies and products on the market, propose to develop appropriate new products;
  • Give opinions and propose solutions to superiors on marketing strategies, products, customers, and sales policies;
  • Perform other duties relates to working position.


  • Male, age ≤ 35;
  • Graduated from College or University, major in Business, Marketing…;
  • Have at least 01 year of working experience in sales, product consumption and system development;
  • Have data collection, synthesis, analysis and reporting skill; Have good communication and persuasion skill;
  • Can communicate and write in English;
  • Patient, honest, dynamic, high responsible; have ability to work independently;

Other information

  • Probation period: 02 months;
  • Working time: average 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week;
  • Salary: From 12 million VND/month upward, depends on ability and working experience of the candidate, and annually adjust as labor market.
  • Insurance: according to the provisions of law and health insurance package of Chinfon Cement Corporation;
  • Monthly production and sales bonus; Objective bonus; Year-end bonus; Bonus on special occasions (Government’s Festival days, employee’s birthday, Corporation establishment day…). Commute bus to factory. Other benefits depending on business results.

Application includes:

  • Application for a Job;
  • Resume with full information of the candidate certified by Local Authority;
  • Notarized copy of Identity Card, Birth Certificate;
  • Notarized copies of relevant diplomas, certificates and transcripts; 04 photos size 3x4cm.
  • Health certification as regulated form;

Application deadline: 15/06/2024

Your application should be sent to:

  • By post: Administration Dept. - Hiep Phuoc Grinding Plant - Chinfon Cement Corp.

A7 Lot, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Zone, Nha Be, Ho Chi Minh city. Tel: 028 378 00794;

The early-submitted application will get priority. We will contact the qualified candidate for interview arrangement.

The original application can be withdrawn within 03 months after the interview for failure candidates, and we shall be exempted from responsibilities to store your application beyond this frame time