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The movements of music performance and sports at the Company

Thursday  17/12/2020
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Taking full advantages of the Trade Union with the large number of member and high quality human resources, CFC’s Trade Union is one of the organizations which have organized successfully the music performance and sport movements in the entire of the Company.

The movements have been creating the healthy competition among the employees in the working environment, contributing significantly to the efficiency and productivities of the Company’s employees. More importantly, the movements have been playing the important roles in the works of improving the cultural and spirit lives of the employees in the entire of the Company.

Regarding the music performance movement, in 2011 the Trade Union of the Company organized successfully the Second Music Festival of Chinfon Cement Corporation with 80 amateur singers taking part into the music performance. At the Festival, the rating board (with the participant of Haiphong Labor Federation, Thuynguyen Trade Union) has rated 25 music items which were performed to admire the beauty of the country, Party and Uncle Ho. The results of the rating included 4 group rewards, 12 individual rewards in which there was one reward for the oldest singer (58 years old). Mr. Nguyen Huy Tuong, the deputy head of department of propaganda and training of Thuynguyen Party Committee, the Chief of the rating board of the festival commented: “The festival included many items which are well prepared and professional, containing high value of propaganda that should be disseminated widely”.

The Company's music band performed in the CFC's Music Festival 2012

Regarding sport movement, in order to implement the guidelines of providing diversified kinds of sports in the entire of the company, in 2011 the Trade Union of the Company has improving and upgrading the conditions of sporting equipments and infrastructure. Beside the works of upgrading the available sporting equipments and services such as the sporting centre, gymnastic equipments, under the supports of the Leader Board of the Company, Trade Union of the Company has also built a new football ground, two volley ball grounds, three table tennis equipments. In the coming time, the Trade Union of the company will cooperate with the Leader Board of the Company to build a swimming pool in to serve the company’s employees.

Together with the improvement of the conditions for sporting activities, in 2011, the Trade Union of the Company organized sporting tournaments for hundreds of CFC’s employees to play. One of the most successful sporting tournaments organized by CFC Trade Union is Chinfon Football tournament 2011 taken place from September 26, 2011 to November 6, 201. The tournament with 10 football teams and more than 200 players from CFC’s Trade Union groups creating the exciting competitive games in the Company. In the coming time, CFC’s Trade Union will organize table tennis tournament, badminton tournament...

The Opening Ceremony of CFC's football tournament 2009

The positive and effective results of the music preferment and sporting movements organized by Trade Union of the Company have been highly appreciated by the Leader Board of the Company (especially the foreign leaders). Attending the Closing Ceremony  of CFC’s music festival and the final game of football tournament in 2011, Mr. Tony Liu, the General of the Company, commented: “the movements of music performance and sports organized by CFC’s Trade Union is not only improving the spirit and cultural standards but also increasing the productivities of CFC’s employees, the Leader Board of the Company will maintain and improve the good cooperation with CFC’s Trade Union to uphold those kinds of activities in the coming time...”.