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5S Movement at Chinfon Cement Corporation

Thursday  17/12/2020
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One of the most important factors to ensure the satisfaction of employees is to create a good working environment: Hygiene, cleanliness, ventilation, no harmful factors that adversely affect health status of the employees, no risks of causing unsafe and minimizing factors causing stress and fatigue for employees. Starting from that idea, the Leader Board of the Company has always emphasized the importance of applying the 5S movement in the Company and has implemented it since 2000 until present.

5S movement is one of the management tools that bring high efficiency to businesses, first applied in Japanese enterprises, "5S" is the five main contents abbreviated by the first five letters in Japanese:

SEIRI  (Sift) - Sort out what is necessary and unnecessary, then remove what is unnecessary.

SEITON  (Arrange) - Arrange the right objects, in the right places, and numbered symbols for easy finding and easy access.

SEISO  (Clean) - Keep the workplace, equipment and tools clean.

SEIKETSU  (Care) - Maintain the 3S mentioned above including Sorting, Sorting, and Cleaning Anywhere, Anytime.

SHITSUKE  (Ready) - Practice compliance with the above 4S voluntarily.

From the main contents and requirements of the 5S program, Chinfon Cement Corporation has applied thoroughly and appropriately, thereby creating a neater, cleaner, more hygienic and orderly working environment. Day by day the working has become greener, cleaner and more beautiful. Documents, records, supplies and equipment for work are arranged in a scientific way, easy to see, easy to get, easy to find, easy to use, thus saving a lot of time, avoiding waste and improving productivity. From those, all employees in the Company feel satisfied with the working conditions and environment, thereby increasing their peace of mind in production, making an important contribution to increasing labor productivity and improving quality of products and services to serve customer and society.