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Fire protection and firefighting activities at Chinfon Cement.

Friday  23/07/2021
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Since its establishment, the Company has focused on fire prevention and fighting. Later, when applying advanced management systems such as OHSAS 18001 and recently ISO 45001, fire prevention is always considered as a major part of the Company's occupational safety and health management system.

The main plant of Chinfon Cement Corporation is a complex including dozens of large and small projects and works: 2 main production lines, loading and unloading jetties, headquarter building, gas station, waste-heat power generation station, warehouse...

Since its establishment, the Company has focused on fire prevention and fighting. Later, when applying advanced management systems such as OHSAS 18001 and recently ISO 45001, fire prevention is always considered as a major part of the Company's occupational safety and health management system.

Fire engine at CFC

The company always keeps in contact with the direct management agency, which is the Hai Phong City Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting, for guidance and proactively updating legal documents on fire protection including laws, decrees, circulars, regulations, and related standards.

The company fully complied with the provisions of the law on the mode of appraisal, approval and acceptance of fire prevention and fighting before putting it into operation, and kept all documents as prescribed, including 16 projects at the main factory.

The Company has maintained and preserved records of monitoring and management of fire prevention and fighting activities such as: promulgating processes, rules, regulations, instructions on fire prevention and fighting and rescue; issued a decision on the establishment of a fire prevention and rescue team consisting of 197 people; compiling and submitting to competent agencies for approval and promulgation the firefighting plan, rescue plan and emergency incident response plan; establish a database, keep a log book for monitoring and management of fire prevention and fighting work;

The company periodically conducts professional training and retraining, and issues fire protection certificates to employees.

Equip firefighting commands, fire extinguishers in the office area

The company also regularly reviews and replaces old and damaged signs and firefighting orders for the entire plant area and industrial explosives warehouse, ensuring that the information system on fire protection is always updated.

Regarding the emergency exit conditions, the Company has installed incident lights, signboards for emergency exits and exits in the corridors, stairs, and doors at the office areas, places where people gather; Set up 9 assembly points, use when there is an emergency.

To ensure effective response to fire and explosion risks, the Company is equipped with a fire alarm system including 7 central cabinets, 187 emergency fire alarm boxes, 322 smoke detectors, 214 heat detectors to monitor fire risks.

The Company's firefighting system includes a water-based firefighting system including 01 fire truck with a capacity of 6m3, 03 tanks with a capacity of 1,000m3, 230 m3 and 50 m3 at the factory, 01 tank of 50 m3 at the warehouse of industrial explosives; 12 electric and diesel pumps with capacity of 30 ~ 75kW, total flow of 400m3/h, 46 fire hydrants, 7 wall water hydrants and attached nozzles. The paper bag warehouse is equipped with a sprinkler system including 176 nozzles. The entire internal road of the Company is over 5m wide, ensuring convenient operation of fire trucks and easy access to firefighting areas.

The portable fire extinguishing system includes 646 fire extinguishers of all types such as MFZ35, MFZ08, MFZ04, MT25, MT03, MT05.

Equipping fire hydrants and nozzles at the unloading jetty

At the coal mill is equipped with a nitrogen fire extinguishing system, including 354 bottles containing 8 nozzles. The 1800-ton FO oil tank is equipped with an 800-liter capacity protein foam fire suppression system.

The Company's electrical and lightning protection system is organized and implemented in accordance with the law. The electrical system includes 01 110kV station with staff on duty 24/7, 21 substations 0.4/6.0/35 kV checked weekly, other electrical equipment are checked daily, and maintained. overhaul according to the manufacturer's instructions by the Electrical Department; lightning protection systems, grounding and connection systems are not measured, checked annually with trained and certified test personnel.

The company also organizes self-inspection of fire safety and fire safety: inspection by the head, inspection by professional staff of the Safety Department and other departments in the company periodically in accordance with TCVN 3890:2009

Test smoke detectors with specialized equipment

Self-inspection activities are recorded and monitored in the logbook of fire protection equipment and the database.

The company annually organizes drill of fire prevention and rescue plans according to the situations stated in the fire prevention and fighting plan.

Fire and rescue drills at industrial explosives warehouse.

The company strictly implements the purchase of fire and explosion insurance according to the regulations specified in Decree No. 23/2018 ND-CP.

With the above investments and efforts, over the years, there is not any major fire occur, ensuring the safety of fire protection for operations and properties of the Company, the safety, health, and wellbeing of employees as well as contributing to the public security.